Welcome Back!
We are excited to kick off the new school year with our fabulous new Choir Director! If you see her roaming around LOMS or MBHS be sure...

Upcoming Music Fundraisers and Events
MBHS Jazz Band will be opening!! Buy your tickets today at https://squareup.com/store/morro-bay-music-boosters A portion of these...

Goodwill donations drive fundraiser
Help us fill the trailer and earn money for our music programs. If any parents are available to work a 2 hour shift (10-12, 12-2 or 2-4)...

Music fundraiser tomorrow!
WEDNESDAY NOV. 28th, 5:00 – 8:00 PM Nichols Pizza-n-Grill is donating 20% of dine-in only sales to the Music Boosters! Must tell them...

Music Boosters News
Smoked Fish Tacos & 50/50 Raffle This Friday Oct. 19th At MBHS JV/Varsity FB Games A Fundraiser Supporting the LOMS and MBHS Music...
Grants Awarded!!!!
MBHS LOMS Music Boosters have been awarded $7,500 for the Music program through the Community Needs Grant program. The funds are...
Upcoming Events
SLO COUNTY DEPUTY SHERIFF’S ASSOCIATION Proudly Presents: An Evening of Swing with Guest Artists: The Sugar Daddy Swing Kings & MBHS Jazz...
Upcoming Music Boosters Events
Chipotle Family Dining Out Fundraiser ​ What: Chipotle is donating a % of dining sales to the music program! ​When: Thursday May 10 from...

This Saturday Rock N Music Festival
Only a few days till the Rock N music Festival II!! This Sat. April 14th from 3-9 PM at the Morro Bay Community Center. Performances by...

Rock N Music Festival
Only 2 weeks till the Rock NÂ Music Festival! Please help us spread the word!!! April 14th from 3-9 PM at the Morro Bay Community Center....