Help support LOMS and MBHS choir and band programs by volunteering today!!!
2020-21 Fundraisers- Volunteers or Donations Needed For:
Christmas Tree and Wreath Sales & Pickup- Nov-Dec
Concerts - Recording and DVD Production
Special Projects- *Grant Writing Committee
*2020-21 Additional Special Projects
Help wanted/needed to find and apply for grants for our special projects.
Special projects we hope to find grants for/or purchase for the music department include:
Sound Equipment - Replace any antiquated or non working items, purchase items needed.
Currently, much of the sound equipment used at events is $ rented. We are also looking to update the
choir uniform collection.
If you have any ideas, connections for any of the above items, please contact us.
To volunteer for any of these or other events, please click the link below
Or, email us at lombmusicboosters@gmail.com if you may be available to volunteer
at any of these events or have any questions.