Become a Sponsor
I would like to become a sponsor at this level. (Choose One)
___ $75. - Bronze sponsorship
___ $125.- Silver sponsorship
___ $250.- Gold sponsorship
___ $400.- Platinum sponsorship
Due to uncertainty regarding concerts as Covid restrictions remain in place we are not offering tickets to our sponsors at this time. In the event that Concert are able to return during the 2021-22 school year we will reach out to sponsors regarding complimentary tickets (1 for bronze, 2 for silver, 4 for gold and 8 for platinum) and preferred seating (gold and platinum) arrangements.
Donor name to be listed on music boosters acknowledgements ___________________________________
____ I do not wish to be acknowledged as a donor.
*In the event of Concerts - All sponsors will be listed in the booster section of the concert programs unless otherwise declined. Sponsors will also receive a thank you letter with the booster tax id for tax purposes. All checks can be made to the Music Boosters, or pay online here.
Sponsor name:____________________________
Email:_______________________ Phone:______________________
Student’s name: ________________________
Concert Ticket preference: LOMS or MBHS Band or Choir
Please print, fill out and send back to school with your student and be given to their music instructor.