The name of this organization is MORRO BAY HIGH SCHOOL MUSIC BOOSTERS, a Parent Support Organization. It will be referred to as MBHS MUSIC BOOSTERS.
The Purpose of this organization is to support the Los Osos Middle School and Morro Bay High School Music Departments with funds and materials beyond those provided by San Luis Coastal Unified School District for the enhancement of their music programs. These funds are used to help finance educational workshops, trips, retreats, festivals, guest artists, transportation, lodging, uniforms, music, performance facility rentals, and more. Beyond funding, the Music Boosters provide time and volunteers to help support the schools, teachers, students, music program and music department events when needed.
Membership is open to any person, family, community member or business interested in supporting these music programs. There are no membership dues to participate in this organization.
Section 1. The Executive Officers shall consist of the following persons: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and any year long chair positions. It is understood that for purposes of liability coverage, the MBHS Music Boosters Organization is covered under the SLCUSD’s policy.
Section 2. The term of office shall be for one year commencing in July 1 of each year.
Section 3. The duties of the officers are as follows:
The President shall conduct the business meetings of the organization, prepare the agenda for each meeting and be the liaison.
The Vice President, in the absence of the President, shall conduct the meeting and assist the President in his or her duties.
The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings, shall receive and file all correspondence to the organization and shall handle all correspondence as directed by the President.
The Treasurer shall maintain a record of all income and expenditures of the organization, in accordance with the legal requirements of the state of California in relation to non-profit organizations, keep said records up to date, and make this record available upon request to the executive officers or as needed. The Treasurer will provide a year-end “Annual Statement” to be audited by an authorized person and submit a Form 990 (Non-Profit Report) to the IRS, and the corresponding appropriate California state tax forms, by the required date.
Section 4. The officers shall be elected from a slate presented by the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall consist of at least three (3) voluntary members at large. Said Nominating Committee shall present the slate of officers to the Executive Officers prior to the last meeting of the school year (May or June). At said meeting, nominations shall be presented by the President to the assembled membership. The floor may also make additional nominations with the elections immediately following.
The powers of the Executive Officers are subject to the provisions of these bylaws. The business and affairs of this organization shall be managed, and all powers shall be exercised under the direction of the Executive
All money raised under sponsorship of the organization shall be deposited in a common fund to be known as the MBHS Music Boosters. All deposits are to be made by the Treasurer, and all withdrawals shall be made upon the signature of two (2) officers.
All expenditures must be reviewed at a monthly meeting and approved by a simple majority vote of the assembled members. The decision of expenses shall be based upon priorities set by the two music directors (choir and band) and the MBHS Music Boosters Executive board. Approval of expenditures authorizes the Treasurer to establish the payment of the obligation. Expenditures up to $200 may be approved during the month by approval from the Executive officers. In addition, receipts can be turned in for up to 50$ reimbursement per director, at the beginning of the school year, for incidental expenditures (such as buttons, thread, marking pens, etc.)
At the beginning of the school year, a budget will be created based on income projections from the previous year and projected needs and expenses lists provided by the choir and band directors. The board may amend the budget as needed depending on program needs and monies available through fundraisers. Early each semester, the music directors will be invited to submit wish lists for program needs for both LOMS and MBHS music programs, to the MBHS Music Boosters. The board will then consider and vote on amounts to be made available, at the following months meeting. If a need arises which is deemed immediate and/or urgent by the music department, then a budget request can be submitted and decided upon at the same meeting. In the latter scenario, both choir and band directors will be encouraged to notify the MBHS Music Boosters president in advance of the monthly meeting, so that their request can be placed on the meeting agenda.
The meetings of the organization shall be held monthly. The President shall set meeting dates and times. All meetings are open to membership with full voting privileges of its membership, a simple majority prevailing. To transact any business of the organization, it shall be necessary to have a quorum of the Executive Officers. A quorum is defined as 2 out of the 4 Executive Officers.
Section 1. The bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the Executive Officers and all assembled membership, having been presented at the previous monthly meeting. For example, if in September there is a vacancy on the board, officers may continue to conduct MBHS Music Boosters’ business, so long as the bylaws are amended to reflect this.
Section 2. These Bylaws shall be effective until amended or revised in accordance with Section 1 above.
The Current Robert’s Rules Of Order, whether involving Executive Officers, general membership or committees, shall govern all questions of parliamentary procedure.
Section 1. The property of the organization is irrevocably dedicated to charitable purposes, and no part of the net income or assets of this organization shall ever inure to the benefit of any officer, or member of this organization, or to the benefit of any private individual.
Section 2. Upon the winding up and dissolution of this organization and after paying or adequately providing for the debts and obligations of this organization, the remaining assets shall be distributed in equal amounts to the LOMS and MBHS ASB Band and Choir accounts as agreed upon by at least 2 out of 4 Executive Officers.